High Availability on OpenStack

ICCLab’s MobileCloud Networking solution is supposed to offer private cloud services to end users. MobileCloud is based on OpenStack. Since our OpenStack installation is supposed to be used mainly by end users, it is necessary to provide High Availability.

As mobile end users we all know that we want our IT services to be available everytime and everywhere – 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year. End users normally don’t reflect that this requirement is challenge for system architects, developers and engineers who offer the IT services. Cloud components must be kept under regular maintenance to remain stable and secure. While performing maintenance changes, engineers have to shut down components. At the same time the service should still remain available for the end user. Achieving High Availability in a cloud environment is a very complex and challenging task.

RTI Connext DDS : Setup and HelloWorld Example (Windows/Eclipse/Java)

This blog post aims to give you an overview over what RTI Connext DDS is, how it works and in which context it is used here at the ICCLab. Furthermore it shows you how to set it up and implement a simple HelloWorld-like application. It is not intended to explain details or specific concepts. For this you are kindly referred to the very abundant and well written documentation which comes with the product or can be found online.