ICCLab to talk about OpenStack at the Puzzle ITC Tech Talk 2012

Update: The final program is now online! http://www.puzzle.ch/blog/articles/2012/10/09/puzzle-tech-talk-2012 Puzzle Tech Talk 2012 Von André Kunz, publiziert am 09. Oktober 2012 Tags: Event, Java, RHEV, Tech Talk, UX, Workshop Puzzle ITC lädt Sie zum Tech Talk 2012 ein. Am 25.10.2012 erwartet Sie ein themenreicher Anlass mit Workshops, Vorträgen und einem Apéro zum Ausklang. Wir freuen uns, Sie zum Puzzle Tech Talk 2012 einzuladen. […]

Video: ICCLab Presenting on Open Standards, OpenStack @ /ch/open

The ICCLab team presented gave a live demo of our [OpenStack cluster](http://www.cloudcomp.ch/2012/06/whats-powering-the-icclab/) at the /ch/open [Open Cloud Day](http://www.ch-open.ch/index.php?id=1034). It was an excellent day with many view points from governmental all the way down to Infrastructure as a Service and automation. The presentation given in this video and more details of the talk can be [found […]