11th OpenStack & 4th Docker Switzerland User Group Meetup


Tuesday evening (8th Sept 2015) we organised the OpenStack CH and Docker CH user group meetup. It was jointly held this time. The kind folks from IBM Zürich hosted the event in their premises and also co-sponsored with organising food and drinks. The other sponsor for the event was Joyent, the San Francisco based company, and one of whose open source products is Triton, formerly known as SDC (SmartDataCenter), which we have been working with for some time. 

(Our related work on SDC can be found in our blog posts, here and here.)

Getting back to the event, as always we had a very good gathering of more than 50 participants. The event started at 18:00 and continued until 21:00 which is a bit late to finish on a working day, but given the fact that we heard 6 presentation including 3 demos, it was a day well spent!

Following are the list of talks with the link to their slides, whichever were shared with us.

1. OpenStack Cloud Learning by Michael Mullins, IBM 

2. The 7 characteristics of container-native infrastructure by Casey Bisson, Joyent

3. Apache Flink cluster deployment on Docker using Docker-compose by Romeo Kienzler, IBM Zurich

4. OpenSource PaaS using Docker by Tobias Brunner, VSHN

5. Developing Heat plugins by Michael Erne, ICCLab ZHAW

6. Monitoring and OpenStack cluster with icinga/nagios by Benedikt Trefzer, Cirrax

Some pictures of the evening to give you a glimpse of the event.




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