ICCLab at OpenCloudDay ’14

ICCLab attended the OpenCloudDay in Bern en masse. Being one of the most known (infamous?) cloud computing groups in Switzerland, we had to show our strength at one of Switzerland’s most prestigious cloud events!

The event was well attended with about 100 people in total and a nice mix of practitioners and academics; biased towards the former, but some good contributions from the latter. The event was run in a multilingual fashion, which can only work in Switzerland, although it proved too challenging for your humble scribe.


Sean talking about FI-Ware, FI-Lab and FI-Ops

We stood up and gave a couple of contributions. In the morning, I gave a short talk on FI-Ware and FI-Lab and how they can be used as a new platform to realize innovative Future Internet services; I also noted that there will be a strong push of this platform in the coming months and that there will be funding available for entrepreneurs to develop on the platform.


Piyush talking about the design of Cyclops

In the afternoon, Piyush and Tea gave a talk on the Cyclops Rating, Charging and Billing project that they are working on. They demonstrated the tool that they have developed which collects cloud usage information and can apply quite arbitrary tariffing schemes, resulting in a flexible open source tool for billing cloud services which will be released real soon now.


Tea demoing Cyclops in action

Being language constrained, I did not catch all the content and so it was a little difficult to determine the most interesting talks overall, but I did find the presentations by Muharem Hrnjadovic on ZeroVM and Chris Bingham on the rollout of the CloudLynx  cloud platform particularly interesting.

Great job by the organizers – Matthias Guenter in particular – and a cheeky hat tip to our own Antonio and Thomas who were also involved in organizing.

(Thanks to Mathias for the photos).

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