
We here in the ICCLab are very much interested in all activities related to standardisation in the Cloud. Standardisation forms part of our overall strategy in bringing impact to the communities we take part in.


One of the standardisation activities on going in the ICCLab is our participation in the Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI). OCCI is a standardisation activity ran out of the Open Grid Forum. Briefly OCCI is:

a Protocol and API for all kinds of Management tasks. OCCI was originally initiated to create a remote management API for IaaS model based Services, allowing for the development of interoperable tools for common tasks including deployment, autonomic scaling and monitoring. It has since evolved into a flexible API with a strong focus on integration, portability, interoperability and innovation while still offering a high degree of extensibility. The current release of the Open Cloud Computing Interface is suitable to serve many other models in addition to IaaS, including e.g. PaaS and SaaS.

Apart from contributing to the OCCI specifications, the ICCLab is contributing to the OCCI implementation for OpenStack and it is with this implementation that we take part in the various Cloud Plugfest events, which “is a co-operative community project designed to promote interoperability efforts on cloud-based software, frameworks, and standards among vendors, products, projects and implementations“.

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