RedHat and Cisco gave a demo on deploying OpenShift on OpenStack using Heat, Docker & Kubernetes. OpenShift is a PaaS offering from RedHat with both the enterprise and open source versions. The thought process of deploying OpenShift on OpenStack is to maintain a high degree of flexibility and enable a faster deployment of applications. In the demo, Heat was made use of for orchestration. Docker’s pull and push methodology is used for getting a new Image or saving a modified version which could be pulled later on. Along with tagging of the images, diff operation can also be done. Docker containers are also used as daemons. However Docker cannot see beyond a single host and doesn’t have the capacity to manage mass configuration and deployment. That’s where the Kubernetes comes into picture. Here Pod resemble the Docker’s containers and the etc functionality is used to configure the master which would pass it along to the slaves and there by mass configuration is achieved.The link to the presentation can be found here.
Schlagwörter: cern, cisco, docker, heat, icehouse, kubernetes, openshift, openstack, paas, rackspace, red hat