FIWARE Acceleration – SMEs get their apps into gear with €80 million boost

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(03/11/2014) In September, the European Commission announced the launch of its FIWARE Accelerator Programme, an €80 million booster shot for SMEs, startups and web entrepreneurs using Future Internet platforms and technology.

The new programme will help FIWARE expand its already significant network of Public-Private Partners and entrepreneurs helping to create a thriving startup environment for Future Internet developments in Europe.

FIWARE is an open internet platform which makes new app developments and deployments easier. It provides enhanced open-stack-based cloud hosting capabilities and a rich library of components offering a number of value-added functions ‘as a service’.

These components, called ‘generic enablers’, provide open standard application programming interfaces (APIs) which make it easier to connect to the Internet of Things (IoT), process data and media in real-time at large scale, perform ‘big data’ analysis or incorporate advanced features to interact with the user. In FIWARE, API specifications are public and royalty-free, supported by open-source reference implementations. This means FIWARE providers can get to market faster.

Indeed, many apps have already been built using the FIWARE programme – from warnings of earthquakes to preventing food waste. A series of large-scale FIWARE trials are running in different settings, including energy, health, smart manufacturing, logistics, agriculture and creative industries. Thanks to the new programme, this opportunity is now available to SMEs, startups and web entrepreneurs.

FIWARE Accelerator will select, mentor and sponsor the most talented teams and their business proposals building upon FIWARE technology. More than 1000 enterprises and app developers using FIWARE will benefit from funding of up to €150,000.

Three steps to join FIWARE Accelerator:

1. Have a good idea for a new online service and assemble your team

2. Check out the FIWARE online universe (select the accelerators suited to your project)

3. Post your proposal online

It really is as simple as that!

Some examples

Looking for the best deals in the supermarket or that illusive taxi in the rain? FIWARE, an open cloud-based toolkit, is helping developers and startups create a new wave of apps and services just for you!

FIWARE is a cornerstone of the Future Internet Public-Private Partnership (FI-PPP) scheme which, with the launch of 16 new Accelerators to support startups, is entering Phase 3. FIWARE offers technology building blocks – or ‘generic enablers’ – to develop innovative apps and services. The enablers are reusable, interoperable and open, which cuts the risk of vendor ‘lock in’ or being dependent on one supplier.

Many useful apps have already been built using the tools. FoodLoop, for example, used FIWARE enablers to develop an app that helps people buy good-quality food at the best price. The system informs shoppers if a product is marked down because the ‘best before’ date is coming up.

And an innovative ‘smart city’ project, called Smartaxi, has made clever use of FIWARE to map taxi movements according to the fares that drivers log into an onboard system. Using intelligent technology developed in the project, the data is quickly processed online and drivers can see in real time the busiest pick-up zones. This makes better use of their time (they find more clients and react faster to callouts), results in less wear and tear on the vehicle, saves on fuel costs and benefits the environment.

More information

Read more: FIWARE, FIWARE Lab


Watch video about FIWARE

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