ICCLabs Present on OCCI at OWF/CloudCamp Paris

ICCLab is just back from Open World Forum in Paris after being part of the organisation of the “Open Cloud, Open Standards” session that was run in conjunction with CloudCamp. It was an excellent session and Simon Wardley was the master of MC’ing. There was a number of presentations to kick off the day and that was followed by very interesting and energetic round table discussions.

European Commission Cloud Announcements

While the [ICCLab presented](http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/events/cf/ictpd12/document.cfm?doc_id=23258) at the [ICT Proposer’s Day in Warsaw](http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/events/ictproposersday/2012/index_en.htm), a very interesting announcement was made in relation to Europe’s strategy on Cloud Computing.

On Thursday, the vice president of the European commission, [Neelie Kroes](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neelie_Kroes), announced [further details](http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/12/1025&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en) on the European Cloud Partnership.

EU Report: “Advances in Clouds: Report from the Cloud Computing Expert Working Group”

This is a brief summary of the [EU Report:”Advances in Clouds: Report from the CLOUD Computing Expert Working Group.”](http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/ssai/docs/future-cc-2may-finalreport-experts.pdf) In this report a set of appointed Cloud experts have studied the current cloud computing landscape and have came out with a set of recommendations for advancing the future cloud. They note a large number of challenges present today in cloud computing and where tackled provide an opportunity to European innovators.

Video: ICCLab Presenting on Open Standards, OpenStack @ /ch/open

The ICCLab team presented gave a live demo of our [OpenStack cluster](http://www.cloudcomp.ch/2012/06/whats-powering-the-icclab/) at the /ch/open [Open Cloud Day](http://www.ch-open.ch/index.php?id=1034). It was an excellent day with many view points from governmental all the way down to Infrastructure as a Service and automation. The presentation given in this video and more details of the talk can be [found […]