MobileCloud Networking Live @ Globecomm

As part of the on-going work in MobileCloud Networking the project will demonstrate outputs of the project at this year’s Globecomm industry-track demonstrations. Globecomm is being held this year in Austin, Texas. The demonstration shows a NFV compatible architecture that leverages key technologies of OpenStack and OpenShift to deliver an end-to-end orchestrated service combining RAN, EPC, IMS and supported by monitoring and billing services.

International Workshop on Cloud Automation, Intelligent Management and Scalability

The First International Workshop on Cloud Automation, Intelligent Management and Scalability (CAIMS 2014) is to be co-located with the 7th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2014) held in London, UK, December 8th – 11th 2014. Objectives: The emergence of infrastructure as a service (IaaS) cloud computing environments which allow the dynamic […]