Title: MOSAIC – Monitored Platform for Container-Based Applications
Industry Partner: VSHN AG
Research Partner: SPLab and ICCLab, ZHAW
Funded By: Commission for Technology and Innovation
Summary: The MOSAIC project focuses on providing a platform for delivering any kind of application as a service, with a focus on container-based applications. It features an integrated incident management system as well as a container-optimized storage system. The platform will be able to deploy hybrid applications split into multiple locations, optimizing resiliency and cost in the process, as well as support continuous integration and deployment of each service.
Project MOSAIC aims to deliver a platform to deploy and manage distributed, container-based applications. None of the currently available Platform-as-a-Service frameworks provide the same benefits to application developers: MOSAIC delivers a vendor-independent, Platform-as-a-Service framework independent, software suite which can orchestrate applications on multiple providers, automatically monitor them during runtime, automatically detect and resolve runtime incidents, all based on a custom storage backend optimized specifically for container-based cloud-native applications.