The Institute for Organizational Viability goes SNF!

We’re excited to announce that the Blockchain and DAO team is part of a consortium that secured a Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) project titled „Decentralised Decision-Making in DAOs – Learnings for Digital Democracy“. This project aims at deepening our understanding of decision-making within decentralised autonomous organisations (DAOs) and leverage these insights to advance the […]

DAO Symposium 2022

The DAO Symposium on the 29. November 2022 was a full success! The speakers Florian Spychiger, Michael Lustenberger, Romedi Ganzoni and Isla Munro-Hochmayr wowed the audience at the sold-out TRUST SQUARE in Zurich. Michael Lustenberger and Florian Spychiger, both researchers at the Zurich University of Applied Science (ZHAW), welcomed the crowd with an introduction to […]