Am 4. Juni dürfen wir mit Bob Huisman einen Experten für die Instandhaltung von Schienenfahrzeugen an der ZHAW School of Engineering begrüssen. Er ist Manager Maintenance Research & Development bei NedTrain, dem führenden Anbieter von Schienenfahrzeug-Instandhaltungsleistungen in den Niederlanden. Sein Vortrag “Data Inquiry and Condition Based Logistics for Train Maintenance” findet in der Zeit von 11.45 h bis 12.45 h im Raum TB 610 statt. Alle Verkehrssysteme-Studierenden sind herzlich eingeladen.
Was erwartet die Zuhörer? Nachfolgend der Abstract seines Vortrags:
Big Data is hot in industry. Often it serves as an invitation to data scientists to suggest that the Holy Grail is up for grabs, such as a significant improvement in industrial asset performance. Unfortunately solo runs by data scientists hardly fulfill that promise. However, when data inquiry is integrated with existing engineering processes, we can take a major step forward. Important issues are the use of data to improve maintenance programs, the demonstration of compliance with safety constraints, and the observation of operational assets with the aim to predict maintenance tasks.
The use of real-time sensor data enables engineers to assess the actual asset condition. But then logistic processes must be able to cope with short-horizon maintenance requests to effectively prevent failures. Since traditional maintenance scheduling is based on regular stops or depot visits, it requires rethinking the logistic paradigm. Here important issues are operational flexibility, both by the operator and the maintainer, and distributed scheduling of logistic processes, taking into account the balance between economic optimality and human acceptance.
The presentation shows how the mentioned issues are addressed by NedTrain, the leading train maintenance company in the Netherlands, and discusses the remaining challenges it faces.