Echte Preise, echte Werte: Kostenwahrheit bei Lebensmitteln

The True Cost of Food – ein entscheidendes, aber noch weitgehend unbekanntes Konzept, das unser Ernährungssystem nachhaltiger gestalten könnte. Während die Regale im Detailhandel verlockende Preise zeigen, bleiben die tatsächlichen Kosten der Lebensmittelproduktion unbekannt. Dieser Beitrag erkundet die Bedeutung der Kostenwahrheit und ihre mögliche Rolle bei der Transformation zu einem nachhaltigeren Ernährungssystem.

Nurturing Hungary’s Soils: Understanding Soils in the Carpatian Basin, its Challenges and Possible Solutions

Over thousands of years, Hungary’s soils have been shaped by different geological forces, resulting in a diverse range of soil types. However, man-made compaction, erosion, and the demands of intensive agriculture are endangering Hungary’s soil quality and its biodiversity. Join us, as we explore Hungary’s soil landscape and possible solutions for sustainable soil management.

Why is it so important to freeze seeds for ages? Exploring Hungary’s Genetic Heritage

The genetic resources of and within crop species and their wild relatives form the basis of our food production system. They allow varieties to evolve and adapt to changing conditions and are valuable for further breeding programs. However, the genetic diversity of plants is currently decreasing. Hence, it is important to preserve as much of our genetic heritage as possible. During our summer school on agrobiodiversity in Hungary, we had the opportunity to visit the country’s largest genebank, the National Centre for Biodiversity and Gene Conservation (NBGK) in Tápiószele.

From Pond to Plate: Why Microalgae will become Mainstream

Agriculture, with its major impact from livestock breeding, makes up 28% of the total environmental impacts (WWF, 2022). Switzerland, renowned for its production of milk products as a source of protein is making its first step towards a vegan protein alternative. Research has recognized the yet untapped potential of microalgae cultivation as a solution to substitute protein that currently still derives from animal products (Nikolov, Soto-Sierra, & Stoykova, 2018). It is astonishing that the potential of algae as a protein source has already been detected by the Aztecs (Rana, Soni, & Sudhakar, 2017), but only recently became a topic of interest again due to the high impact traditional farming has on climate change (McGinn, Tibbetts, & Wang, 2021).

Bodenregeneration durch syntropischen Agroforst

Der Verlust von fruchtbarem Boden ist eine der zentralen Herausforderungen der Landwirtschaft.1 Gründe dafür finden sich in nicht nachhaltigen Landwirtschaftspraktiken der konventionellen Monokulturen, dem Erschliessen neuer Landwirtschaftsflächen oder der witterungsbedingten Erosion. Eine grossflächige Umstellung auf alternative Produktionssysteme ist unvermeidbar. Dabei gilt die syntropische Agroforstwirtschaft als vielversprechender und kostengünstiger Lösungsansatz, um einerseits Böden zu regenerieren und gleichzeitig eine vielseitige Lebensmittelproduktion zu gewährleisten.