The IEEE Services 2019 conference was held in the Universitá degli Studi di Milano in Milan, Italy in July and we were there to participate and cover it!

The conference was huge, with several component congresses and many tutorials and workshops, spanning five days in two different locations. Despite the impressive scale, it was impeccably organised and with good planning, one could easily find and attend all the content they were interested in.

Researchers from all over the world and from all related disciplined were present making the conference an excellent networking opportunity, and the talks held were very interesting, though of course too many to make it possible to list here.

Team member Panagiotis Gkikopoulos was there to attend and cover the event, and also to present his paper on ‘Data Distribution and Exploitation in a Global Microservice Arteract Observatory’ at the doctoral symposium. This work is happening in the context of the MAO MAO project with the anticipated outcome to build an advanced quality assessment platform for cloud software developers. The paper can be found here.