What works and what doesn’t: How to motivate people to walk the extra mile for better distributed free-floating carsharing cars?

Iljana Schubert, Michael Stiebe and Uros Tomic Over the last years, we have witnessed a rapid growth in the number of free-floating carsharing schemes. These are mobility schemes where cars can be picked-up or dropped-off at any location within a city zone. Such a scheme exists, for example, in Basel with Mobility-Go. These mobility schemes […]

Brick vs. Click – Analyse zur Abschätzung der Umweltbelastung des Einkaufs von Medikamenten im Versandhandel und im stationären Handel

Online-Shopping ist in den letzten Jahren zunehmend beliebter geworden. Auf globaler Ebene machte E-Commerce im Jahr 2020 19% des weltweiten Einzelhandelsvolumens aus und es wird erwartet, dass der Online-Handel mit einer durchschnittlichen jährlichen Wachstumsrate von rund 15% bis 2027 wächst. In der Schweiz belief sich der Wert der Online-Bestellungen im In- und Ausland auf rund […]

Costs of multimodal alternatives compared to the private fossil fuel car

The future of private car mobility might be predominantly electric and powered by batteries. However, the environmental impacts of electric vehicles increase significantly with larger battery sizes. When relying on car utilization, vehicles with smaller batteries (i.e. smaller car, shorter range) should generally be preferred. However, the adoption of small cars is exacerbated by misjudgments […]