Microservices in Numbers: Diagnostic Docker Deep Dive (Online Tutorial at CLOSER 2020)

Cloud applications are typically designed as coupled microservices and deployed in managed containerised form. Industry trends around container build processes, deployment packages, management platforms and abstractions (e.g. cloud functions) are still fast-paced. Developers and operators need to be able to tell good from bad practices based on automatically determined metrics. Assuming they participate in this […]

Summer school on software evolution – Summary

From September 2 to 4, 2019, Tampere University hosted the INFORTE.fi-supported summer school on Software Evolution: From Monolithic to Cloud-Native. The Service Prototyping Lab at Zurich University of Applied Sciences contributed with five lectures (and one coincidental serverless meetup talk) to increase theoretic knowledge and practical skills of Finnish doctoral students and developers on microservices […]

Quality analysis of dapps: Just like cloud apps?

Looking into a possible post-cloud world, we see mentions of different computing paradigms, many of them based on decentralised structures to overcome scalability and user control limitations. Among them is blockchain-as-a-service (BCaaS or BaaS), mimicking the platform-as-a-service (PaaS) user experience for both application providers and consumers. In PaaS, providers first sign up and subscribe to […]