Research Slam on «Fog-Cloud Continuum Framework» and other Swiss-Latin American cooperation projects

The University of St. Gallen, through its Latin-American-Swiss Center (CLS-HSG), is the Leading House for the Latin American region, granting incentives and developing joint research cooperation projects with numerous Latin American countries. One of the grant recipients is the Service Prototyping Lab at Zurich University of Applied Sciences, bringing programmability to fog-cloud continuum computing with […]

Students: Invitation to Serverless and Cloud-native Application Development

Bachelor students of computer science at Zurich University of Applied Sciences focus a lot on software development. Software is never developed in the blue; rather, software needs a concrete environment to function and to deliver value. In ‘Programming’ (1st/2nd semester) and ‘Software Development’ (3rd/4th semester), you learn some basic skills. In ‘Systems-oriented Programming’ (2nd semester), […]