Reliable OpenWhisk Deployment on Kubernetes With Persistent Storage

In a previous blog post, we described our experience with deploying OpenWhisk on Kubernetes on OpenStack. During subsequent testing, we observed some issues with the OpenWhisk deployment wherein some OpenWhisk components – specifically, the controller and the invoker – would fail to restart after rebooting the machines running the Kubernetes nodes for maintenance tasks. To […]

Colloquium on “Microservice migration: motivations, patterns and antipatterns”

At the Service Prototyping Lab, we were honored to receive another international speaker in our colloquium series this year.  Davide Taibi  assistant professor (tenure-track) of cloud and web engineering presented his ongoing research at Tampere University of Technology.  Specifically, His research interests include software quality and cloud migration in continuous architecting processes, supporting companies in migrating to microservice-based […]