Development and Optimisation of Aircraft Air Purification Systems: Noxious Organic Species Removal from Cabin Air

Overview Airborne pollutants can have negative physiological impacts on passengers and crew members in the short- and long-term, hence aircraft cabin air quality is very important to human wellbeing. Due to their detrimental effects on human health, volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds, also known as VOCs and SVOCs, must be eliminated from the cabin air. […]

Virtual plenary meeting of the International Civil Aviation Organisation’s Environment Committee

Written by: Thomas Rötger Every three years in February, the UN International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) holds the plenary meeting of its Committee for Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP). Normally, this meeting gathers about 200 aviation experts representing the States and international organisations at the ICAO Headquarters for two weeks in snowy Montréal. Not surprisingly, the […]

Project RAPTOR: Second test campaign at the Gas Turbine Research Centre in Wales

Exactly one year after the first measurements at the Gas Turbine Research Centre (GTRC) in Wales, the second measurement campaign was due there. And just like last year, the situation with the COVID pandemic started to deteriorate dramatically just before our departure. After numerous meetings, discussions and clarifications, including the development of strict COVID protection […]