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Thank you for being a part of our community in 2024 and into 2025. While we completed several projects and project tasks in 2024, our work continues. Here are some major highlights to look out for in 2025:
- (Re-)start our rig emission measurements at the old and the new test cells at SR Technics, Zurich airport with our improved analytical infrastructure
- Advance the development and application of the Pollution and Environmental Aviation Research Laboratory (PEARL; see below),
- Establish research in electrochemical sensing of water vapour and and noxious cabin vapours
- Continued work on jet soot interactions with exhaust plume species and secondary aerosol formation (Yiheng’s PhD)
- Field campaigns within the ADVISAR project – on-wing emissions measurements on small turbofan engines, comparing SAFs blends and conventional fuel and targeting understanding the influence of ambient conditions on emissions and implications on health,
- Deployment of LDSA sensors amongst other measurement devices in 11 cities in the Net4Cities project, aiming to aid cities achieve their zero pollution targets through pollution monitoring,
- Continued work on the AIRSPACE project, investigating materials for VOC removal,
- Continued work on project, towards sustainable and affordable energy and platform chemical in Switzerland.

Schlagwörter: happy new year