Artificial Intelligence on Microcontrollers

Using artificial intelligence algorithms, specifically neural networks on microcontrollers offers several possibilities but reveals challenges: limited memory, low computing power and no operating system. In addition, an efficient workflow to port neural networks algorithms to microcontrollers is required. Currently, several frameworks that can be used to port neural networks to microcontrollers are available. We evaluated and compared four of them:

The frameworks differ considerably in terms of workflow, features and performance. Depending on the application, one has to select the best suited framework. On our github page we offer guides and example applications which can help you to get started with those frameworks!

The neural networks that are generated with all those frameworks are static. This means that once they are integrated into the firmware they cant be changed anymore. However, it would be beneficial if the neural network running on the microcontroller could adapt itself to a changing domain. We developed an algorithm (emb-adta) which could be used for unsupervised domain adaptation on microcontrollers. The prototype python implementation is also available on github!

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