Visions for the Swiss Mobility System

Since 2013, the interdisciplinary Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research – Efficient Technologies and Systems for Mobility (short: SCCER Mobility) is working on ways t0 improve the efficiency and sustainability of the Swiss Mobility System. Both a technical/technological engineering perspective as well as a social/economical perspective are employed to assess mobility according to the goals set by the Swiss Energy Strategy 2050. The focus lies on 1) reducing CO2-emissions and 2) reducing the energy demand of the transport sector. Within this research framework, the MobINE-team focusses on the socio-economic components of change, on the assessment of systemic transformation and on possible ways to influence developments towards desirable directions. 

As both a summary of past work after the first funding phase of SCCER (until 2016) and as an outlook for future developments (as well as a sketch for a research agenda for the next funding phase until 2020), a working paper was published: “Towards an Energy Efficient and Climate Compatible Future Swiss Transportation System” (shortened German version: “Auf dem Weg zu einem energieeffizienten und klimafreundlichen Schweizer Mobilitätssystem”). It points out certain trajectories for the development of mobility in Switzerland to be transformed in a sustainable, future-oriented way. Three aspects are regared as fundamental to reach this goal:

  • Energy conversion processes (efficient drivetrain, reduction of vehicular energy demand)
  • Energy carrier substitution (electricity, renewable fuels, H2)
  • Mobility and transportation demand reduction

Especially the 3rd issue is targeted by MobINE in collaboration with researchers from other institutions such as PSI, ETHZ and SUPSI. A holistic multi-level perspective on systemic transformations is used to understand the processes and relations betweed different aspects of the system. In the end, for implementing and facilitating actual change, four action fields could be identified:

  1. Efficiency increases and technological innovation based on sustainable energy sources and new technologies
  2. Avoidance of rebound effects considering energy-, time- and cost-efficiency
  3. Integrated spatial and transport planning aiming for quality of life in cities and agglomerations in order to avoid the ‘need’ to travel
  4. Shift towards quality of the economy and working world to meet sustainability requirements, which might lead to a more digital and flexible working behavior.

Version 1.2 of the report, dating from 09 May 2017 can be downloaded HERE.

A (shortened) German version of the document can be downloaded HERE.

More information about the research program SCCER Mobility, funded by CTI, can be found on the WEBSITE.

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