How can e-mobility supported in the tourism region of Lake Constance (German: “Bodensee”)? How can more tourists be motivated to use e-mobility offers and how can the network of local and regional stakeholders grow and get more effective? These issues are targeted by the project “E-Destination Bodensee”. The research is conducted by the University of applied Sciences of Constance (HTWG) and the ZHAW School of Engineering during the upcoming two years. One basis is also the joint project Mobility Lake that was developed by the same partners.
The research is supported by the “Internationale Bodenseehochschule“, an umbrella organisation of Universities around Lake Constance. On the one hand it will provide policy and practical implementation recommendations to regional stakeholders. On the other hand it will also allow the students of both Universities to work on up-to-date research projects.
You can find more info in about the project in the press release (in German). Of course we’ll also keep you updated here in the blog and on twitter.