Five institutes of the ZHAW School of Engineering (INE, ZPP, IMES, IMS, IMPE) are working together with the course of studies “Transport Systems” for an innovative solution for urban transport of tomorrow. The project BICAR is an intelligent sharing system and the associated vehicle concept will be developed to bridge the gap between cars and bicycles.
The BICAR project is characterized, that the ZHAW School of Engineering on the one hand examines the overall system solution and on the other hand it develops a vehicle necessary for the vision. The vision is that there are a number of BiCars available at critical points of the city. Anyone can rent a BICAR to cover the necessary distance and then return the vehicle to a different location. The sharing concept only works properly if the availability is always greater than the demand. This gives rise to specific vehicle requirements. “BICAR must be very space-saving, all-weather and flexible to use and should have a medium range,” said Thomas Sauter-Servaes (Director of Studies “Transport Systems”). “Both, the classic car and the bike have disadvantages in city traffic -. BICAR closes this gap”
Hallo ihr lieben BICAR Entwickler, ich und mein Freund Timo (beide 13 1/2 Jahre alt) sind völlig begeistert von euerem Konzept dem BICAR wir hoffen beide dass ihr euch durchschlagen könnt!! Dann werden wir sofort eins kaufen und sicher mega Freude haben… LG J&T 😉