Multi Family Office

Behavioral Insights for Swiss Wealth Management Banks Serving Multi-Family Offices

The world of multi-family offices (MFOs) presents attractive opportunities for Swiss wealth management banks. Managing wealth across multiple families and generations requires tailored strategies that go beyond traditional finance. A recent article by Graziela Fortunato et al. highlights the importance of behavioral finance in redefining how wealth managers engage with MFOs, offering Swiss banks a […]

Marc Oliver Hauser

ZHAW Wealth Management Podcast #11: Marc Oliver Hauser (Trust Square)

Trust Square is a leading Swiss innovation hub promoting blockchain and other emerging technologies. During the interview, Marc Oliver Hauser offers exclusive insights into the current state of the Swiss FinTech and startup scene, shedding light on the strengths and weaknesses of the market and the unique challenges startups face, such as high living costs, a fragmented market, and high entry barriers – whereby Swiss startups need to “think international” from day 1. He further explains Trust Square’s business model and how the platform actively fosters innovation in the FinTech ecosystem.

Serkan Mirza

ZHAW Wealth Management Podcast #8: Serkan Mirza (Credit Exchange)

In diesem Video-Interview führt Dr. Christoph Künzle, Dozent für Banking & Finance an der ZHAW School of Management and Law, ein aufschlussreiches Gespräch mit Serkan Mirza, dem CEO der Credit Exchange AG. Die Credit Exchange AG ist die führende digitale B2B-Marktplatzplattform für Hypotheken in der Schweiz und wird von renommierten Unternehmen wie der Mobiliar, PostFinance, Swisscom und weiteren starken Partnern unterstützt. Mit einem Volumen von über 3,5 Milliarden Franken an verwalteten Hypotheken spielt die Credit Exchange AG eine zentrale Rolle bei der Vernetzung von Banken, Versicherungen und Pensionskassen.

Traditional private banking

Digital Transformation in Private Banking: Cost Efficiencies, Growth, Client Experience

Private banks, traditionally focused on personalized services for HNWIs, face the challenge of digital transformation. This shift promises cost efficiencies, growth, and enhanced client experiences. Digitalization can streamline operations, reduce costs, and optimize resources, while also enabling growth through new digital services and global reach. Moreover, it enhances client experience by offering personalized, accessible, and secure services. However, achieving these benefits requires a comprehensive strategy that integrates cost management, innovation, and client-centric solutions. Successful digital transformation will allow private banks to enhance performance and strengthen client relationships, securing their future in a competitive landscape.