FinTech partnership

FinTech Partnerships for Wealth Management Banks?

A recent journal article has reviewed the current state and future direction of the FinTech landscape, mainly focusing on the retail banking space. While many retail banks around the world have partnered with FinTech companies to enhance their services, I believe the question of partnering with FinTech companies is more complex for wealth management banks. With this blog post, I will explore opportunities and challenges for wealth management in partnering with FinTechs, focusing on how these partnerships may benefit HNWI clients and addressing concerns about value chain integration.

Tobias Fischer

ZHAW Wealth Management Podcast #3: Dr. Tobias Fischer, Frankfurter Bankgesellschaft

Gemeinsam werfen wir einen spannenden Blick hinter die Kulissen: Dr. Fischer stellt die Bank, ihre Dienstleistungen und Zielkunden vor und erörtert das Erfolgsgeheimnis hinter dem starken Ergebnis der Frankfurter Bankgesellschaft im jüngsten ZHAW-Ranking, das vor allem FBGs beeindruckendes Wachstum und ihre Profitabilität hervorhebt. Dabei beleuchtet er auch Herausforderungen und mögliche Zielkonflikte. Themen wie Offshore-Kunden, Digitalisierung und strategische Stossrichtungen für zukünftiges Wachstum stehen ebenso im Fokus.

Stefan Jenni

ZHAW Wealth Management Podcast #2: Stefan Jenni, Itaú Private Bank

In this exclusive interview, I sat down down with Stefan Jenni, CEO of Itaú Private Bank in Switzerland.

We explore the bank’s unique value proposition, strategic focus, and client base that distinguish it within the competitive landscape of private banking. Stefan Jenni shares key insights into Itaú Private Bank’s approach in the current macroeconomic uncertainties, and their impact on net new asset flows. The discussion also covers how Switzerland, as a leading financial hub, may navigate the various challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

This is an essential watch for anyone interested in the intersection of tradition and innovation in international private banking.

PE Performance

Private Equity for Wealth Management Clients: Does the Case Still Hold?

PE has become a popular investment choice for wealthy clients seeking higher returns beyond public markets. A recent Harvard Business School publication, “Does the Case for Private Equity Still Hold?”, offers a cautiously positive outlook on PE, despite its challenges like market saturation and high fees.

As a former PE executive myself, I find that PE still offers unique opportunities for wealth management, particularly through exclusive investments. However, wealth management banks must carefully select PE offerings, focusing on diversified portfolios and transparent fee structures to ensure sustainable value for (U)HNWI clients.