Day 4 – Tokyo Fish Market and sight seeing

A Day full of diverse impressions started off at 8 a.m. at the Tsukji Fish, Fruit and Vegetable Market. One of the first and lasting impressions was the way by which a police officer at the fish market got rid of our group not by telling us to leave but by simply handing over a piece of paper. ” Tourists shall keep out of the fish market before 9 a.m.” it said and that was it for the moment. Though one or two tuna sawings were still seen after nine, the “real” action was over when we entered. Still there was heaps of diverse captured species to be seen. Some tied up and still alive and some cut into fine pieces. The sight-seeing through the market was followed by some of the best and earliest tuna-sashimi so far. The Meiji-Shrine was our next station. We were able to witness a wedding ceremony which caused both. Depression and awe. The same could be said for the whole experience of the shrine which was built in remembrance of the emperor meiji. This second station of ours stood in great contrast to Takeshita street with its overloaded and unbelievably colorful stores and quite obviously displayed teenage culture. Just standing on the side of the street for a couple of minutes and watching the runway was a unique experience indeed. The rest of the day was spent to get the JP Railpass for the group members and later in individual manner.

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