Day 12 – Free time in Yangshuo

On our second day in Yangshuo no activities were planned. We had the opportunity to choose among several options such as going on boat tour on the Li river or spending the day on our own in the city.

Some of us met at 12:30pm at Prof. Rüttimann’s hotel. There we met Peggy, our local tour guide, who brought us to the Moonhill Café where we had a delicious lunch.

After we had strengthen ourselves we went for a cruise on the Li river and boarded several small bamboo ships. We had an amazing time and it was a good opportunity to rest a little bit from the busy schedule we had in the previous days.

Some others went on a shopping spree in the city of Yangshuo and used the time to buy some souvenirs or write postcards.

In the evening the official part of our day started with a surprise by Prof. Rüttimann. After a short walk we arrived to the site which is located between the mountains down at Li river. The location can be compared with the Festspiele in Bregenz.

The play named “Impression Sanjie Liu” and was written by Zhang Yimou who built his reputation by orchestrating the opening ceremony of the Olympic games in Beijing in 2008.

The play was about marriage and also comprised some elements of Chines history. However it was a little bit difficult to understand all of the content.

We were also a little bit surprised by the behaviour of the Chinese tourists who were constantly chatting and playing games on their phones and started leaving the play 10 minutes before the end which was an irritating sight for us.

Nevertheless the location combined with the lightshow and music created an unbelievable atmosphere and ended a relaxing day in Yangshuo.

Written by Chevalier, Kull, Roellin & Walser

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