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AGEAIR II (Emissions of AGEing AIRcraft engines, part II)
- Objectives:
- Expanding competence in emissions measurements on various engine types
- Continued investigation of emission characteristics (non-volatile particles and gaseous pollutants) of large aircraft turbofan engines and the effect of engine age on their emissions
- Research & development for the improvements of the ICAO / SAE E-31 methodology for sampling and measurement of non-volatile PM (nvPM)
- Emissions characterization of aircraft engine types which are unregulated in terms of emissions – turboprop, turboshaft, and small turbofan engines (e.g. business jets)
- Funding: BAZL/FOCA
- Partners: SR Technics
RAPTOR (Research of Aviation PM Technologies, mOdelling and Regulation)
- Objectives:
- Research involving evaluation of uncertainties in aircraft engine nvPM emission measurements
- Further development of airport air quality models
- Assessment of nvPM health impacts and informing future regulations.
- Funding: European Commission (Horizon 2020 – Clean Sky 2)
- Partners: ENVISA, Manchester Metropolitan University, Cardiff University, TNO, RIVM, ONERA, Janicke Consulting, University of Manchester, ZHAW
ACACIA (Advancing the sCience for Aviation and ClImAte)
- Objectives:
- Research expanding understanding of the tropospheric and stratospheric impacts of aviation on climate
- Develop and propose methods and concepts for testing and qualifying mitigation methods
- Funding: European Commission (Horizon 2020 – Clean Sky 2)
- Partners: DLR, CICERO, Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Reading, Universität Wien, ETH Zurich, Universität Leipzig, TU Delft, Forschungszentrum Jülich, CNRS, ZHAW