Leaving Yangshuo and its stunning landscape after only one night was sad, but the next company was awaiting us. Therefore, we drove back to Guilin by bus and visited the Subachi company. This firm produces various leather products with a focus on armbands for watches. Mr Liu Yun, Deputy General Manager, welcomed us in his meeting room where we started the visit with a question and answer session.
After many questions, Mr Yun guided us through the production halls. It was amazing to see how much handwork lies behind each and every armband. It undergoes roughly 12 different steps until it can be shipped to Europe. It was very good to see that China does not only produce low quality products but also produces for the high-end premium market. Mr Yun also told us that the company receives daily a air freight shipment with different leather (crocodile, sting-ray, snake, etc.) types from all over the world.

The Joint Venture of Swiss and French companies was inaugarated in 1993 and still operates with partners from these countries. We were very thankful that we had the opportunity to visit this company and expressed our thank to Mr Yun before we headed to the city centre for dinner.
In the evening, we took the plane to Guangzhou. The flight had been postponed, so we only arrived at about 1 a.m. As always in the last two weeks, everything was organised perfectly and a bus picked us up at the airport and brought us to our hotel.
Unfortunately, one of the students got sick and was not able to fly. Together, with a care-team of two others students the student stayed one more night in Guilin. The good news is that the person feels much better now and the three will rejoin us soon again.