After yesterday’s pub tour was survived, everyone arrived in time in front of the NHS Improvement building in the morning. Everybody could get a first overview of the development of the English health care system after the Security Check. The pre-briefing about the upcoming daily routine was followed by a labyrinth-like corridor system leading the students into the meeting room.
The presentations contained the following topics:
- Pricing, Funding and the National Tariff
- Regulation of oversight
- Economics and Competition in the NHS
- NHS Providers: Strong Providers, Collaborations and groups and smaller acute providers
In the late afternoon the journey continued to the Health Foundry, where an impression of the world of Tech Health start ups was given.
The contrast between the rigid structures of the NHS and the entrepreneurial spirit of the Health Foundry could not be overlooked. These two different worlds should work more closely together in the future to overcome the big challenges of the english health system. As different as the NHS and the Health Foundry may seem, they agree at least on one point: the prevention should be given more attention!