Day 3 – Lanzhou

The day started earlier than expected in Lanzhou. Our group went by bus to the Waterwheel Park, where Lanzhou’s history of waterwheels has been shown. In 1556, various wheels were invented by Mr. Duan. Steadily improvements allow to establish a system that raises water with skip buckets up to the canal and therby uses the flow of the yellow river for propelling the watherweel (The river is named after the sand which colours the river yellow).


Shortly after we went to the park, the group headed towords the second appointment this morning where our second company visit started and the institution of UNIDO-ISEC has been briefly introduced. Their goal is to support research and help to implement sustainable energy resources.

All together went after this interesting and inspiring morning for lunch to the best noodle place in town. It was a unique experiance to try different chinese dishes with and without noodles. Also the short presentation on how to make chinese noodles including the variety have been an enhancing experiance to all of us.


With a belly full of noodles and energy, we started to the second part of the day. Recent graduates students of school of Fine Art exposed their work and we were privileged to look at their creations.

Furthermore we had the opportunity to meet students of the Lanzhou Jiaotong University and to exchange experiences of our student’s lives. The discussion was time limited but we exchanged personal information to keep in touch and we took a group picture in front of the university.



From the university we went to our last visit for today, which was the Mogao Chateau. It’s a company that import graphes from the mongolians and produces wine mainly for the national market. Then a wine degustation took place inside an impressive building and we tested a few local wines, which were sometimes quite surprising. Tomorrow we are leaving Lanzhou for a night and we will do many activities.

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