The last day in Chongqing was a relaxed one. At 9 o’clock we got a transfer to the Chongqing municipal financial regulation bureau, which is a part of the financial departement of Chongqing government. They have set up a very professional discussion room with all necessary equipment and information. Director Zhang Hong Ming and three colleges were present at the discussion.
After an introduction of the financial regulation bureau by Mr. Zhang Hong Ming we as ZHAW also got introduced by Mr. Braun. After we got an insight in facts an figures of the fast and strong growth of Chongqings economy. It was very interesting to see the diffrences between China and Switzerland in terms of governmental investment funds and financial stability management. After the discussion at the Chongqing municipale financial regulation bureau we were invited to a local restaurant. And as every time we got served a lot of tasty food.
After lunch we made a small excursion into a supermarket which uses facial recognition AI to simplify parts of the shopping process. But the most interesting in this market was the water tanks with living animals to buy.

Back at the hotel we all get some free time to enjoy our last day in Chongqing. Of course we had also a little bit time to do some sightseeing in Chongqing. Therefore a little impression of the skyline of Chongqing.