Today, we finally could sleep a little bit longer before departing to Yangshou at 10.30am. Due to heavy rainfalls which flooded the streets brought about a change in our schedule. Instead of cruising down the Li River we went by bus to Yangshou. During the busride we passed by a magnificient scenery where we got the opportunity to explore how Chinese farmers live in rural areas.
After another 1.5h hours we eventually arrived at the Imperial City Hotel in Yangshou. In the afternoon we had individual time to explore the city and its surroundings on our own. However, most of the students went on a bike ride in this simply breathtaking landscape. During this ride the students which stuck to Mr. Ruettimann were invited by Peggy, a local woman and friend of him, for a refreshing drink. After a soaking wet ride back to the hotel we enjoyed the buzzing night life of Yangshou.