Day 11: Goodbye India

The last day was a peaceful ending of a sometimes exhausting and overwhelming Study Trip. Some participants slept in, while others enjoyed breakfast at the hotel. Until 12 o’clock everyone had to pack and check out of the “Le Meridien” in New Delhi. Soon after we took a few cabs to get driven to the Connaught Place, which possibly could be called one of the centre of the city. We went to an Indian Fast Food restaurant, where we had lunch. There was also the official good bye with everybody being gathered. Some presents were exchanged and a lot of “thank you’s” said.

At this time the Study Trip was over and we parted ways until the evening. During the afternoon most people walked around or under (Palika Bazaar) Connaught Place to check out the shops and completed their shopping.

Around 7 in the evening, the group (more or less complete) met again at the Pindi Restaurant in Pandara Road Market, where most people already ate the first night in New Delhi. Even though nearly nobody was very hungry, all tried to get as much out of the last Indian meal by tasting several different dishes.

Since we had too much time to kill we walked back to our hotel instead of taking Tuk-Tuks. At 10 pm we said good bye to three participants, who stayed a few days more in India. We took the bus to the airport and had to say farewell to our terrific guide throughout India.

Because we arrived before 11 at the airport and our flight left after 4 o’clock in the morning we again had some time to kill. We did this mostly by waiting in queues for the control of the emigration form and the security checks.

In the duty free zone the last Indian rupees were being spent for some additional souvenirs.

Years later, as it felt, we were sitting in the plane and caught the last glimpses of this interesting country.

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